Category: Uncategorized

Sonoma Hamfest 2024

On Saturday, April 27th the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (VOMARC) hosted their annual Sonoma Hamfest. The popular swap meet also includes an FCC license exam session (headed up by Elizabeth, N6LY), station demonstration and full breakfasts. Prior to the event the club got some good publicity in the form of a Sonoma […]

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USS Potomac

On November 4, 2023, Penny and I visited the USS Potomac and sailed around San Francisco Bay in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s yacht. Known as the floating White House, it is an historic landmark docked in Oakland, California. What makes this trip radio-related is the fact that the yacht had a radio room onboard. But […]

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Getting Back On CW

Slow Speed Test

One of my “resolutions” for 2022 was to get back into CW operating. Though I had never forgotten Morse Code it had been decades since I’d last made any CW contacts of note. When I was first getting started in Ham Radio there was still a Morse Code requirement to get licensed.  I incorrectly predicted […]

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ARRL Learning Center

Are you still looking for a New Year’s resolution for 2022? Learning something new is always a popular choice. The recently launched ARRL Learning Center provides an easy way to search for new topics to learn about and to keep track of what you’ve mastered as you go along. Yes, YouTube has an enormous number […]

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KA5WSS Operating

As Penny and I have settled into our home in Sonoma I’ve taken on an increasing interest in getting more active in Amateur Radio once again.  Getting a station back on the air was a critical step.  This new site is also part of that effort.   I’ve never had an impressive personal station and that […]

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