Category: QSL

QSL cards and QSLing in general.

Hidden Labels Control in HRD

I’m a big fan of HamRadioDeluxe (HRD). All of my logged QSOs go into it. QSL chores are much easier by having all of your contacts in an easily searchable database. As a software engineer, I delayed jettisoning paper logs for far too long. There’s no going back now for me. Despite buying to HRD, […]

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August 2024 QSL Card Inbox

Here are some of the more interesting QSL Cards I’ve received over the last couple of months leading into August 2024. I also received a nice card for 7P8EI in Lesotho from CW and SSB contacts 17M and 15M respectively. Strangely though, my scanner would not scan the card without a weird anomaly showing up […]

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June 2024 QSL Card Inbox

I had another good run of QSL cards coming in through May and June. Several All Time New Ones (ATNO) and plenty of cards that filled in needed modes or bands. I had worked Saint Helena before but this QSL card from ZD7Z filled in a band and mode gap for me. I work Elvira […]

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April 2024 QSL Card Inbox

Things have really picked up, QSL-wise in April. On April 19th I received a shipment of 94 QSL Cards from the Incoming QSL Bureau! I had inadvertently allowed my envelope count to drop to zero and the cards started to pile up. Sorting through those and updating my logbook kept me busy for some time […]

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March 2024 QSL Card Inbox

I had a pretty good run over the last couple of months on the QSL Card front. Plus, I have a large number of cards at the Incoming Bureau waiting to be sent so even more to come in the near future. I had worked Yemen in 1990 and received a card for it. But […]

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January 2024 QSL Card Inbox

January started off slow, but things picked up with several individual cards showing up in the mail. Then my first batch of bureau cards in some time. I also got word that I have an additional 80 QSL Cards at the bureau waiting to be mailed to me. The Columbian Island of San Andres lies […]

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December 2023 QSL Card Inbox

Up through mid-December, things were a bit slow on the QSL Card Inbox. But I received a number of interesting cards as Christmas approached. In the end, it’s been a productive couple of months at KA5WSS. This card confirms contacts with 9Q1AA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It confirms QSOs on 15M and […]

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October 2023 QSL Card Inbox

Here are some of the latest cards to arrive at my QTH. I worked Raul (EA5KA) during his visit to Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean where he operated as CE0Y/EA5KA. This QSL card confirms contacts on new bands on 30M and 17M, both using CW. I had confirmed the Ducie Island, also in the […]

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August 2023 QSL Card Inbox

Here are some of the latest QSL Cards that have graced my P.O. Box. My only St. Vincent QSL card up to the present time was from a 10M SSB QSO in 2003. Adding some new bands and modes, I worked the J8NY DXpedition using both CW and FT8 on the 80M, 20M and 17M […]

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May 2023 QSL Card Inbox

The last couple of months had a slow start for incoming QSL cards. But we then left for a couple of weeks of vacation and I came home to a nice set of cards awaiting me. And then near the end of this month I received one of the most important QSL cards I’ve received […]

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