April QSL Inbox

April was very good to me. I got my first QSL Bureau shipment in a very long time. I expect more frequent deliveries in the future as I continue to operate more and catch up on my QSLing. The world of QSLs have changed a lot in the last decade or so. I was beginning to wonder whether some things remained the same. Stateside QSL managers seem far less common. However, JAs still confirm contacts in large numbers via the bureau.

Who wouldn’t want to work DX from a QTH like this? I worked J68HZ in St. Lucia on both 20M and 40M using FT8.
Who wouldn’t like to have antennas like these? When I worked OH8X on 20M SSB in 2010 this tower, the highest structure in northern Finland, was still intact. Alas, in 2013 it collapsed in a storm.
Never forget that Crete counts as a separate DXCC entity from Greece. Used FT8 on 20M to make contact with SV9COL.
Haven’t run across too many Guantanamo Bay stations over the years, so I was happy confirm contact with KG4HH. The SSB contact was from back in 2017, which I finally got around to confirming.
No, this is not Wallis & Futuna. I wish! But I did manage to work and confirm Fiji with 3D2AS on 20M with FT8.
This one was for an All Time New One (ATNO). I worked H40TT in Temotu Province on 30M using FT8. Temotu is the easternmost province of the Soloman Islands.

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