Category: QSL

QSL cards and QSLing in general.

December 2022 QSL Card Inbox

I’m wrapping up 2022 with my last QSL card update of the year. As I write this ClubLog reports that I have made 2,962 QSOs and contacted 172 DXCC entities. Both are the most I’ve ever done in a single year. I’m also far more focused on QSLing those contacts as soon as possible. In […]

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October 2022 QSL Card Inbox

A good number of QSL cards came in all at once this month. Of those that came in a surprising number were for All Time New Ones (ATNO). A few had already been confirmed on Logbook of the World. But I try and obtain at least one physical card for all worked countries since some […]

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September 2022 QSL Card Inbox

There were not a lot of incoming QSLs this last month. But a few turned out to be of particular interest. Not an all time new one, since I had recently received an FT8 QSL from Mauritius, this card is still a gem. It’s the only contact I’ve made with the island using SSB. Plus, […]

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July 2022 QSL Card Inbox

It was a busy month, QSL card-wise. I received two separate packets from the incoming QSL card bureau. Many of those were Japanese cards, with several of them being new JCC and JCG entities that I needed for those awards. Here are a few other cards coming in this month of note. Guadalupe is not […]

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Ancient Contacts

I started a new process recently where I’m going through my old logbooks and making one last determination about whether I can or should attempt to get a QSL card for contacts from years ago. When looking over QSOs from the 1980’s and 1990’s I’m amazed about some countries I worked that I still have […]

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June 2022 QSL Card Inbox

Here are a few of the more interesting QSL cards I received in the last month. I’ve worked a ton of US Virgin Island stations on the air over the years. But I’ve heard very few British Virgin Island stations for some reason and never managed to work one. The VP2V/N2EIN DXpedition there took care […]

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May 2022 QSL Card Inbox

Here are some of the more interesting QSL cards I received in the month of May 2022. This is a nice, hard to get, DXCC country. Mount Athos is in Greece, but it counts as a separate country for award purposes due to its isolation and autonomy. I worked Monk Iakovos (SV2RSG/A) on both 20M […]

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April 2022 QSL Card Inbox

Here is April’s haul of interesting incoming QSL cards. 9G5AR in Ghana is an All Time New One (ATNO) for me. I made this FT8 QSO on the 20M band. Having learned my lesson about waiting too long to QSL I sent out for this one right away. When I first came across this callsign […]

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March 2022 QSL Card Inbox

Here’s a sampling of interesting QSL cards that I received during the month of March in 2022. Another All Time New One (ATNO) for me.  I worked EA6VQ in the Balearic Islands on both 40M and 30M using FT8.  The islands are in the Mediterranean Sea and reside far enough away from Spain to count […]

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February 2022 QSL Card Inbox

February is the shortest month. Would a short month also mean fewer incoming QSL cards to report? I worked CQ8M on the Azores Islands in the Atlantic Ocean on 40M SSB. The QSO was made from a remote station in New York. I’m impartial to QSL cards with maps. This card from FK8HA has one […]

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