Wrapping up 2021 with a number of QSL cards that have been received in the last few weeks. There are a couple of all time new ones (ATNO) to show for my efforts.

I had worked Colombia many times in the past but I did not have much in the way of physical QSL cards for the country that I would use for awards. So I confirmed this 2020 FT8 QSO with HK3X that occurred on 10M.

From my modest home station Hong Kong is often just out of reach. I’ve only worked two VR’s and this was my first confirmation, so it’s an all time new one. I worked VR2XYL on both 20M (2020) and 17M (2021) using FT8.

Cycle 25 gave us a sneak peak during a 12M opening late October when I worked BW2/JP1RIW using FT8. I need more prefixes on 12M and 10M, so I’m hoping for more.

Here’s another ATNO. The one and only Seychelles station I’ve worked was S79KW. This 20M contact was made in 2020 on SSB and I finally got around to confirming it.

I love the colors and scenery on this card for a contact with PJ4EL on the island of Bonaire. I worked PJ4EL using FT8 on two bands, 15M and 20M.
At the end of 2021 my DXCC count on Logbook of the World (LoTW) sits at 206 countries (Mixed modes).
Happy New Year to all and here’s hoping for a better 2022!