The Japan Amateur Radio League sponsors the All Japan Districts (AJD) award. This was one of my earlier Amateur Radio awards and I think a pretty sharp looking one as well. Given the issue date I almost certainly made all of the required contacts from the University of Texas ARC station (W5EHM at the time, now N5XU).

To obtain the award Amateur Radio operators must submit evidence of having confirmed contacts with at least one Amateur operating in each of the 10 call districts of the country. Like the United States, Japan divides up the country into 10 areas for the purpose of allocating numbers in callsigns (1-0).
SWLs are not left out of the fun as a version of the award for hearing the same 10 Japanese stations is available for non-Hams.
It looks like the award has been redesigned since I received it so many years ago. It’s still a fine looking certificate, though I prefer the more traditional map outline.

The award as of 2019 costs 16 IRCs or 2,000 Yen for foreign or non-member Hams. The confirmation list of contacts can be validated simply by an oath of the applicant that the required confirmations have been obtained. No need to risk cards in the mail. More details are available on the JARL awards rules page.