AGB-Digital Countries

Chasing countries on the air is one of Amateur Radio’s most popular activities. The Activity Group Belarus offers Hams who work at least 50 countries using digital modes with the AGB-Digital Countries award. This award synonym not as widely known or chased after as the venerable DX Century Club (DXCC) from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). […]

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Diploma Paises and DXCC (ERC)

The Diploma Paises and DXCC programs from the European Ros Club are the ERC equivalent of the American Radio Relay League’s DXCC program. To earn certificates an Amateur Radio operator has to work as many “countries” as possible using digital modes such as FT8. It appears the Diploma Paises is awarded for working countries across […]

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One Hundred Countries Award (OHCA)

One Hundred Countries Award

The American Radio Relay League‘s DX Century Club Award (DXCC) remains one of the most prestigious certificates in Amateur Radio. Many Hams who do not consider themselves award chasers nevertheless chase that particular piece of paper. Obtaining DXCC can be a bit pricy though. Are there more economical choices? The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) […]

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Sticker Shock

Endorsement stickers

No, this is not a post about the high price of HF gear, or anything similar to that. Instead it’s about award stickers. I recently received two stickers for two separate awards and thought I’d pontificate a bit about them. The two stickers that just arrived are for my DXCC Phone and WPX Mixed certificates. […]

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DX Century Club (DXCC)

DXCC Phone Award

Procrastination. when done well, is worth doing again and again. After years of working DX and having worked over 100 countries, I finally got around to applying for the DX Century Club award (DXCC)!  Then, I allowed the certificate to sit around for months or maybe more than a year. Just recently I got it […]

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