The Pacific Ocean is really large. In an effort to promote Amateur Radio activity in “Oceania” the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) created the Worked All Pacific Award (WAP).
One can find information for this award, and other NZART awards, on a PDF form available online. In a nutshell, refer to the ARRL countries list (or NZART’s awards document) for a list of eligible countries. Any DXCC entity listed as being in the continent of “Oceania” qualifies. You’ll need a minimum of contacts with 30 countries to apply for the award. There are currently 55 DXCC entities in Oceania.

Looking for a greater challenge? NZART issues the Five Band WAP award for those who make contact with at least 30 Oceania stations on five different bands (150 contacts overall). If that’s not tough enough for you they offer the same award for up to 9 bands. That’s 270 separate contacts and should keep you busy for some time.
The NZART awards program is based on the honor system. By submitting an application for an award the applicant is certifying that the contacts and confirmations were legitimately made. So there is no risk of losing valuable QSL cards in international mail.
There is no preprinted award application. I entered all of the relevant QSO information into a Google Sheets document and then exported it to PDF format. The document also contained the award name and my address. I attached the PDF to an email sent to the NZART awards manager email address.
The cost of the award is $6.00 ($5.00 NZD for ZL applicants). For this you’ll can get both a PDF version of the award as well as a paper copy suitable for framing. The certificate is printed on an A4 sheet, the widely used international standard paper similar in size to, but not the same as, US 8.5×11 inch pages.