Not too long ago I wrote about the International Amateur Radio Union‘s IARU Region 3 Award. The object of the award is to work as many nations as possible in IARU Region 3. This region roughly encompasses Asia and Oceania. Note the emphasis on nations and not “countries”, a loose term often attributed to DXCC entities.
The IARU is made up of national member societies in nations, not DXCC entities. There is a single US nation even though it’s broken up into multiple DXCC entities (48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii, etc.).
The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) offers their own FT8 version of the IARU Region 3 Award entitled the Worked Region 3 Award (WR3A). The award is delivered in digital form (JPG and PDF versions available) and features an antique map of the world. There is no charge for the award.

It’s awarded in four levels depending upon the number of nations worked.
Level | Nations |
Bronze | 15 |
Silver | 30 |
Gold | 45 |
Platinum | All (50) |
To apply for WR3A you’ll have to install the UltimateAAC application on your computer. The award is just one of many that can be applied for through the app, so it’s a worthwhile addition to your computer.