Search Results for – "ft8"

Worked All States (FT8DMC)

The American Radio Relay League‘s (ARRL) Worked All States Awards is one of the most popular Amateur Radio awards programs. There are more Hams who have attained WAS than have achieved DXCC status. The League runs a tight ship when it comes to their awards programs. If you’d like an easier entre into the goal […]

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Worked All Europe (FT8DMC)

Worked All Europe (FT8DMC)

The Worked All Europe (WAE) award from the Deutsche Amateur Radio Club (DARC) in Germany is one of the more prestigious awards in Ham Radio. In a nutshell, it rewards making contacts with countries on the European continent. WAE comes in several classes for working a certain number of countries but also factors in a point […]

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Worked Prefix Award (WPX FT8DMC)

Worked Prefix Award

One of Amateur Radio’s most popular awards is CQ Magazine’s WPX Award. An Amateur can earn WPX by confirming contacts with a certain number stations with unique callsign prefixes. There are thousands of possible prefixes around the globe so it’s one of the more open ended programs out there. In the past collecting hundreds, if […]

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Have I worked this station on FT8, or not?

WSJT-X display

I rely on WSJT-X’s color coding to tell me whether a station calling CQ on FT8 is one I’ve worked or not. Recently, I’d focused a bit more on 60M prefixes for a WPX award endorsement. I was a bit surprised how few of the calling stations appeared to be new to me on this […]

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Worked All Continents (WAC FT8DMC)


The International Amateur Radio Union‘s Worked All Continents award is a popular entry level award for working all 6 populated continents. Antarcticians need not apply. For those wishing to do the same thing solely using the FT8 digital mode the FT8 Digital Mode Club offers up their own WAC program in the form of an […]

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FT8 and RHR using Loopback


I’ve been using Remote Ham Radio for my serious DX’ing for some time now. Until recently this was limited to SSB and using the built in microphone on a Macbook Pro. I wanted to give FT8 a try since that would open up additional DXing opportunities. I came across some good documentation from RHR on […]

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The Importance of Accurate Time

For the FT4 and FT8 digital modes, like in comedy, timing is everything. If your computer clock is even one second off from other stations you are intending to work your signal strength will suffer. A difference of a couple of seconds may mean you are not decoding any signals at all. The importance of […]

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2024 VOMARC Picnic

The Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (VOMARC) held its annual picnic in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park for the second time on September 22, 2024. Darrel (WD6BOR) expertly manned the grill and produced a non-stop output of hamburgers and hotdogs for all interested. As if that wasn’t enough, the food table contained a wide […]

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Japanese Call Area Award

Like the United States, Japan divides up their nation into ten geographical areas and assigns each a digit used to create their Amateur Radio callsigns. The FT4 Digital Mode Club‘s (FT4DMC) rewards Hams who make contact with at least one station in each of those call areas using FT4. The JCA is an award synonym […]

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Worked English Stations Award

England is the most populous entity within the United Kingdom. For Amateur Radio purposes, like in Soccer/Football, it’s treated as a separate country. The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) offers the Worked English Stations Award (WESA) for making contact with a given number of different English stations. The entry point for the first award is […]

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